Why do I love Music?
Indeed, Music is Life and Life is Music. If you dig a little deep within, you will definitely find what Music means to you. I am not talking about the dictionary definition which says "sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to" but this is much more than that.
Actually, Music is not all about pleasant sounds but it is about events of Life, what we endured, appreciated, and mainly what we experienced.
Everyone has already cried, laughed, loved over Music and this is why Music cannot be torn apart from our lives. These pleasant sounds we store on our ipods, computers, and all other devices are in fact our identities, and have been present at each and every moment of our lives.
But, there is something we should not forget, Music has been part of our lives since we were babies. Do you remember this sweet lullaby your Mum used to sing in order to make you sleep or sooth you, as a matter of fact, there was a lullaby for every situation.
Sometimes we cannot help moving our feet or even drumming our fingers on a rhythm, it is too hard to resist I would rather say it is "instinctive".
It seems there are two very important components of Music which has not been mentioned yet, well I want to speak about the "humming" and the "whistling". These two components have been essential for the evolution of Music today (creation of melodies and rhythms). I would call these aspects the "Invisible Magic of Music".
Why do I like that genre of Music or that song?
Music defines us, who we are, because it can sometimes conduct our thoughts or even our reactions. We can relate to music or to a particular song, rhythm, beat, flow or word.
When we share songs with friends, we actually give them the opportunity to know who we are, it is a mutual understanding of "hidden" personalities, we mutually offer a part of "ourselves" to discover, and this is the Beauty of Music.
But you might wonder, what type of mystery I am talking about in the title, well it is simply the fact that we can enjoy the melody and the lyrics on their own.
However, the melody and the lyrics are inseparable because both create a "song". On the other hand, if we put the melody aside and focus on the lyrics that particular song will not have the same effects on us.
We, Human beings, are inseparable from Music, it is in fact another part of Man.
To conclude this passionate subject, I shall advise to not prevent yourself from listening to music because Music turns out to be a good therapy, a back door to our worries and problems and a ladder to our Happiness. How can a piece of music make me feel this way? As I said it previously and I will always do "this is the Beauty and the Mystery of Music".
Music can also awake memories and memories are made of music. A word drives to a song, a sound to a rhythm and events to Music. It is the History of our lives and one can create history from it. One can sum up our lives with Music. Every moment of life whether good or bad has its Music.
Music has lulled our lives from cradle and will also accompany us to the last concerto of our lives.
I wish you all to have a Musically lifestyle full of memories.
Music is Life enjoy it to the fullest
"Music is a Mystery that makes History".
However, there is a music for every moment of the day and every event of life. I do believe Music is just Music whatever the genre.